Think about what difficulties these students might face when attending your course meetings


Then choose the adjustments that would apply to each of the case studies above.

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1. Example of case studies

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Michał studies Biology. 

From birth, he has experienced problems related to his mobility disability.

He uses crutches and his speech is slightly unclear and slowed. As his handwriting is illegible, he prefers to avoid writing. However, being a passionate PC user, he does not perceive that as a major problem. He expects major challenges during lab classes as one needs precision and hand/arm ability for task performance. Written exams are going to be problematic, too, for sure.

Ewais a student of Sociology

She has never experienced any major learning problems; however, she worries that her disability is going to impact her studies.

Ewais is blind. She is a fluent user of a PC with speech synthesiser and the Braille alphabet. She is also able to interpret tactile graphics and likes to make use of good adjustments. However, she also believes that sighted people definitely overestimate the power of images while underestimating precise description and well-written text.

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Anna studies Economics. 

Since early childhood, she has experienced major hearing problems making it difficult for her to communicate. She is hard of hearing and her speech is unclear.

Sometimes, she fails to understand both oral and written language, preferring sign language and not knowing oral language as well as hearing people. She also worries about her difficulties with writing. Despite her efforts, there are some grammatical and spelling errors in each text she writes.

Karol pursues Russian Studies

Karol experienced some sleep issues last winter. After a sleepless night, it would be nearly impossible to get out of bed at the right time. He was unable to focus and suffered from headaches and vertigo, fatigue and a general sense of dejection. His doctor diagnosed him with depression. His prescribed treatment has helped, but he still experiences difficult days.